Think far away.
Mr. Sontoku Ninomiya's teachings still important today
Those who think of the distant future will be rich, but those who think only of the immediate future will be poor.
This is because those who think far into the future plant pine and cedar seedlings for a hundred years from now, and those who plant them in the spring and harvest them in the fall are taking it for granted. It is a matter of course to plant a tree in the spring and have it bear fruit in the fall.
That is why they are rich.
Those who think only of the immediate future, however, are not interested in the things that are planted in the spring and bear fruit in the fall, but only in the immediate profits.
That is why they become poor.
The things that we reap without sowing and without planting may appear to be profitable at first glance, but once we have taken them, we will never reap them again.
On the other hand, what is sown and taken, planted and reaped, will never run out year after year after year (year after year). That is why it is called inexhaustible (never running out).